Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cookie Purity

I have learned this before, but, obviously, not well enough...
When I set out to make some delicious oatmeal, raisin, cranberry, orange cookies, that is all that should be in them--well those things along with flour, spices, etc.
I forgot today this one valuable lesson. Chocolate chips do not go in oatmeal cookies!
You spend your time blending just the right spices and chewy items for the beloved oatmeal cookies. When you reach into the cupboard for the raisins, the chocolate chips scream "grandma loves us in everything! Dump this bag in your cookies! They will taste even better with us!"
Stinkin' lying chocolate chips. I tell you, never trust any chocolate under 70%.
The cookies look great, but you can't taste the spices, the cranberries, the raisins--the overwhelming taste is the chocolate chips. Not a bad thing if you are in need of a chocolate fix (imagine that in our family), but not if you want some chewy oatmeal/fruit wonderfulness.
I guess grandma has a few cookies to eat. Maybe I can dump, er, I mean "share" some with the neighbors and/or co-workers. After all, it is the season to be charitable.
I'll make some real ones, sans chocolate chips, and enjoy them myself later. Call me Scrooge.


Tanner's Tales said...

I agree! No chocolate chips in oatmeal cookies! Reed likes them in anything too, but not me! I bet they are still good- you always make good cookies, reminds me of the days you would meet us at the airport and the team was always so jealous of the cookies!

Letty said...

Hummm....I may beg to differ however for the sake of argument I will just say...mail them to me! I will make you some sans chocolate in return...we could start a cookie chain!

ummm cookies

Nedge said...

I have to agree...the cookies are great, if you want to taste just chocolate.
But I've gotten used to them, since I took a bunch of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies at the beginning of the year. The trick is to eat around all the chocolate chips to enjoy the oatmeal spice, then eat the chocolate last. :)

Anonymous said...

I like them as long as I don't have to make them.

mummy said...

Those naughty chocolate chips! They learn their tricks at the store when they first jump into the cart. Then at night they talk to all they other items in the cupboard. They develop a scheme. As soon as they see daylight as the cupboard opens they all push the chips. Sometimes they end up in g mas mouth, sometimes in a cup and sometimes in cookies. Eventually though they end up as poop in the pottie not in the pants

Rick Edge said...

I agree. Why ruin a good batch of chocolate with a bunch of butter, eggs and oats?