Sunday, February 3, 2008

Walking Sticks, Tools and Toys

I had a friend pass away this week. A friend I never met, but felt like I knew him well. He offered me counsel and consoling. He helped me realize that "It will all turn out all right".
President Hinckley went on to continue his relationships and his work. I miss him already. I have been moved several times this week to reflect on how he has meant so much to me. In priesthood meeting today, the instructor asked us what we remember about President Hinckley. I did not speak up, but I immediately thought of his use of a cane in recent years. Now, as a trained professional, teaching people how to properly use canes is something I do daily.
I often thought, when I first saw President Hinckly with his cane, how he did not use it as it was intended to be used. In fact, he used it as a sword, a baton, as a tool to acknowledge his gratitue to those who flocked to see and hear him.
He used it more like my grandchildren than a grandfather. President Hinckley continued to be playful, even at 97. That is something many of us forget how to do much earlier than that. One more thing I have learned from our Prophet. Thank You and Happy Trails.


Nedge said...

I loved his cane. And his smile.

Letty said...

Maybe one day we can get you one of those too. I'm certain you would use it the same way.
I love that you posted your's nice to see how one person can effect so many people in so many different ways.
All positive.

Melissa said...

I've been reading a lot of tributes to President Hinckley. This is one of my favorite. Well-put.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.