Putting them in the hive was not part of the bargin, however.
The weather guesser said it would be nice for the first part of the day, then cloudy, windy and cold. Bees do not like cl0udy, windy and cold. I asked my honey sweetly if she would introduce the bees and their queen to the hive, and she did! I wish I could have been home to watch, but she left these picutres.
The first one is of the box o' bees in the back of the car. 2 1/2 pounds, or about 7,500 bees.
Here is the box of bees sitting on top of the frames in the hive. The can is a can of sugar syrup sent with the bees. I quess they need to snack while in transit. Kind of what I do all day driving around. Maybe I can start sluping on a can of sugar.....
Here is the smaller box with the queen. The worker bees are staying close. Notice the lack of gloves or other protective gear. Mom is brave.
Whoa! Where are the other pictures? Hmm-double post day.
1 comment:
Mom is way brave. No gloves? Scary.
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